Cook County Online Professional Learning

Cook County School System provides a multitude of professional learning opportunities to teachers throughout the school year and often during the summer.  These opportunities consist of trainings based on curriculum purchases, as well as strategies and practices to assist teachers in becoming better at their craft.  Our system is a member of the Coastal Plains RESA which offers an abundance of classes ranging from academic, to behavior, and electives.  Teachers and paraprofessionals are always welcomed and encouraged to gain additional knowledge in their areas of interest.  The following websites are free and available to faculty any time.



GaDOE Community is a private professional networking space to engage with colleagues across the state. Keeping student success at the core of our work, the GaDOE Community site is a platform connecting DOE teams, school and district staff, RESAs and other partners around the state to share important information, discuss ongoing work, and share success stories in ongoing and meaningful collaboration. Community fosters a digital participatory culture where all members actively engage in conversation that promotes continuous learning and innovation in the service of advancing student learning. 

  • ​​​Learn how to join our GaDOE Communi​ty here​.
  • Visit the GaDOE Community here​.
ed-web link is an award-winning professional learning network that serves the global education community. edWeb provides free edWebinars and professional learning communities so educators can share their best ideas and practices to improve teaching and learning, student achievement, and school culture. Collaboration and peer-to-peer learning accelerates the sharing of innovative ideas and resources, the knowledge of what works, and how to do it.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education's dynamic professional development strengthens teacher effectiveness, empowers school leaders, and increases student engagement.  Topics include STEM, Literacy, Going Digital, Teacher Leadership, Leading Change, Science, Social Studies, and Math.  Make sure to login with Google to access your account!

Teachers First
TeachersFirst Professional Learning includes tutorials for creating technology projects (such as wikis or blogs), classroom activities, and assessment. Find information about our free virtual workshops and Twitter chats. TeachersFirst Professional Learning pages are created by experienced teachers who know everyday classroom realities.